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You  don't want  this to happen in your home  or  business!  Call us today for  an estimate.

TJC Electrical & HVAC is a small company that is servicing the Greater Ottawa Valley, Smiths Falls, Perth, Kemptville, and Carleton Place. We provide many services in the Electrical and HVAC fields and are willing to come on an emergency basis. Call today for a free estimate!



You might ask yourself "What is electrical maintenance?" or "Do I need electrical maintenance?". Electrical maintenance is when a home/business owner manually inspects their occupied space for apparent electrical issues with wiring, plugs, switches, lighting, etc. To get a more indepth or trusted inspection you would need to hire a certified Electrician. It is reccomended that you make an annual schedule to have your wiring inspected to help prevent such problems as electrical fires or wires and circuits shorting themselves out. This is especially true for those in apartments, complexs, or buildings that are reaching and exceeding 40 years of age.


Tip: Signs that something is wrong or needs to be fixed include: breakers/fuses going out regularly, dimming/flickering lights, buzzing or charred/discoloured lights and switches, burning smell, and shocking outlets and switches.


HVAC maintenance is typically done at least twice a year by a hired professional. It is also recommended that the air filter in every unit be changed every 3 months. During an inspection a unit will usually have its wires and mechanisms cleaned of any dirt or obstruction to prevent problems during the season. It is performed once before the start of each season that a unit is used for.

 Example: a heating unit would be inspected and cleaned out in early Fall to make sure there has been no damage and will be ready to go for the following season. Nobody wants to start having problems heating their home or business in the dead of winter when it is -30 degrees Celcius outside!


Tip: Some signs to watch out for that your system may need to be fixed are as follows: water is leaking by your AC system or furnace, system is constantly cycling on and off, AC doesn't make it cool enough, or system simply just won't turn on.

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